Eximious Global

Best quality end to end HR services

our services
US Recruitment Performance Management
The US market is particularly different from the business world in the rest of the world. At Eximious Global, we optimise the recruitment process with strategic goals and attention towards monitoring and enhancing their internal performance. KPIs such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and quality-of-hire provide detailed insights to identify areas for enhancement. With expertise in analysing recruitment data and trends of varied sectors, we cultivate effectiveness in everything that they do. In effect, we streamline workflows to implement best practices to elevate your hiring outcomes.
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US Talent Administration Management
The talent administration and management service at Eximious Global comprises all administrative aspects of talent management. From managing employee records and compliance with US labour laws to handling payroll, we also offer timesheet management to help run processes smoothly. With over two decades of experience, our team leverages industry insights and trends, advanced technology and automation to improve accuracy. Our aim is to explicitly reduce the administrative burden on our clients. In effect, they can focus on strategic initiatives to achieve newer milestones. The operations within Eximious Global are managed with accuracy measures coupled with data security. Our team ensures that all routine tasks comply with the US federal, state, and local regulations. We also promise risk management and consistency with tailor-made solutions that meet your needs. Businesses in the US can benefit from our end-to-end management services.
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US Talent Lifecycle Management
Present in every stage of the talent lifecycle, Eximious has established a name for unmatchable talent management. We recognise and manage top talents and sharpen them for global opportunities. We secure their alignment with the company's goals and culture and establish smooth transitions. From onboarding to offboarding, we provide end-to-end support to manage their complete journey. Over the years of cultivating a global talent pool, we have registered that managing the talent lifecycle is equally important to building a strongly productive workforce. To foster positive engagement, development and retention, we also manage their promotions, transfers as well as exits. Not only that, but we also leverage best practices and advanced tools to foster a seamless experience for both candidates and employers. Our service includes onboarding programs, performance management, and succession planning to strengthen both today and tomorrow of your business.
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US Talent Evaluation Management
The experienced team of professionals at Eximious Global is dedicated to assessing and optimising productivity. Our talent evaluation management services evaluate the performance and potential of your workforce. As each candidate/client has different capabilities and needs, we offer tailor-made services to cater to their specific needs. Our service includes regular performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, and skills assessments to gauge their strengths, development areas and career aspirations. In effect, we craft structured measures using a variety of metrics and assessment tools. Our series of actionable insights helps them make informed decisions and set clearer expectations. Decisions on career-changing aspects such as promotions and development programs turn easy as we deliver fair, consistent and transparent evaluations. With our expertise, you can ensure to maintain an alignment with your goals to derive the full potential of your team.
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US Talent Pool Management
Eximious Global works resiliently to connect with top talents around the globe. We build and maintain a dynamic pipeline of qualified candidates to meet your staffing and hiring needs as opportunities arise. Our team identifies, attracts, and nurtures talent across various industries and roles. With a robust talent pool, we deliver proactive candidate engagement, skills assessment and talent segmentation. We maintain a large talent pool of candidates categorised based on their experience, skills, expertise and potential. Not only is our pool of candidates diverse with high-quality professionals at different levels but we also train them to match the market's needs. As managing candidate relationships is embedded in our breed, we keep potential hires informed and engaged. It enables us to tap into both the current and future of our clients with significantly reduced time-to-hire.
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